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Rising Star Shines In Starting Lineup

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Vanie Gandler: Filipina Volleyball Player Makes Waves in the PVL

Rising Star Shines in Starting Lineup

GACETILLA, PHILippines, APRIL 12, 2023

Filipina volleyball player Vanessa Gandler, known as Vanie Gandler, has made a significant impact on the Premier Volleyball League (PVL) as a member of the Cignal HD Spikers.

Gandler, born December 5, 2000, recently had a standout performance in the AVC Challenge Cup, where she played a pivotal role in the Philippines' victory. Starting in the lineup for the first time, she contributed nine points to help her team secure a semifinal berth.

Gandler's coach praised her for her resilience and determination. Her social media presence has also garnered significant attention, with over 264,000 followers on Instagram.

Gandler's performance highlights the growing talent within the Philippine volleyball scene and showcases the potential of young athletes in the country.

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